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Informații pe scurt

In IUSTITIA was established as a legal organization that is the first of its kind in the country dealing specifically with hate violence in all its width. The theme of hate violence brings to public awareness, professional discourse and political debate. The organization consistently promotes the principles of democratic rule of law, including equality of all human beings in dignity and rights. For the benefit of our clients, of victims of hate violence, law applies in judicial and other legal protection.

In IUSTITIA provides legal assistance to specific individuals exposed to hate violence. It focuses on improving their access to justice. At the same time, it is oriented towards the area of criminal, administrative and civil law. It also pays significant attention to the damages incurred as a result of hate violence.

In IUSTITIA aims to protect communities at risk of violent racism and neo-Nazism. It seeks to optimize the practice of public administration in the area of the Freedom of assembly.

In IUSTITIA deals with monitoring legislative activities, analyzes the Czech legal order in the context of community and international law. It submits proposals for amendments to existing legislation in order to improve the status of people at risk of hate violence as well as to facilitate their access to justice and to the appropriate tools of restorative justice.

In IUSTITIA seeks to improve the practices of law enforcement in cases of hate violence, in particular to improve practice in the detection and investigation of hate crimes. Crimes involving the organized hate violence or hate-motivated physical assault should be addressed as a priority and with appropriate diligence.

In IUSTITIA focuses on education and strengthening pro-democratic attitudes of the people. It pays increased attention to youth. For many years the founders of the organization have been publishing about the far-right and hate violence.

Date de contact
  • Organizație bazată pe comunitate
  • ONG/non-profit
  • Civilian peacekeeping and accompaniment
  • Conflict management & conflict resolution
  • Conflict prevention
  • Combaterea discursului instigator la ură
  • Combaterea extremismului violent
  • Tineret
  • Lucrători sociali
  • Lucrători de tineret
Anul înființării 2005
Higher or Secondary Education Establishment No
Limbi principale
  • English
  • Czech

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