Această secțiune prezintă evaluarea practicilor din domeniul răspunsului la extremismul violent, terorism și criminalitate organizată, realizată de partenerii proiectului TAKEDOWN al Uniunii Europene. Biblioteca virtuală este centrată pe activități, strategii și servicii implementate de actori publici ori non-guvernamentali. Scopul său este în primul rând de a informa profesioniștii din prima line și de a oferi o privire de ansamblu asupra spectrului larg de practici din întreaga Europă. Abordările includ politici, îmbunătățiri aduse infrastructurilor, strategii de prevenție și colectare de informații la nivel local, regional, național și european. Decizia finala cu privire la o practică sau alta este, bineînțeles, lăsată la latitudinea cititorilor și utilizatorilor acestei platforme. Suntem deschiși la contribuții și sugestii, precum și la alte evaluări ale practicilor, pe care le putem include în baza noastră de date.
Austrian National Cyber Security Strategy (ANCSS)
The Austrian Government passed the Austrian National Cyber Security Strategy in 2013. It is a comprehensive and proactive concept for securing the Austrian interests in cyber-space. The strategy builds on and intends to coordinate existing institutions, players and structures (public and public-private partnerships). It brings them together...
- Austria
- National
- Criminalitate cibernetică
- Coordination , Capacity Building
- Public Authorities
Centre for Prevention and Countering Corruption and Organized Crime (CPCCOC)
The Centre for Prevention and Countering Corruption and Organized Crime (CPCCOC) is a specialised administrative structure at the Council of Ministers to provide analysis and solutions and implement governmental policy in preventing and countering organised crime and corruption, where the two spheres overlap, through developing specific...
- Bulgaria
- National
- Criminalitate organizată
- Secondary prevention , Threat prevention , Evaluation , Communication , Capacity Building , Dissemination , Knowledge Exchange
- Public Authorities , Prison and Probation , Police and LEAs , Local Communities
CESNET Czech Education and Scientific NETwork - Computer Security Incident Response Team
CESNET-CERTS has been an official name of CESNET Computer Security Incident Response Team since January 2004. The team consists of employees of the CESNET Association. The task of the CESNET-CERTS team is a preventive and active protection of computers and networks, and above all the consistent and effective handling of security incidents,...
- Republica Cehă
- National
- Criminalitate cibernetică
- Risk prevention , Early intervention , Incident management , Education , Communication
- Communication and Media , Education
CITCO: Intelligence Center against Terrorism and Organized Crime
In 2015 The Spanish National Anti-Terrorism Coordination Center and the Center for Intelligence against Organized Crime were unified in CITCO. This institution was created with the intention of boosting and coordinating the integration and assessment of any information and operative analysis held by law enforcement regarding organized crime,...
- Spania
- National
- Terorism , Criminalitate organizată
- Risk prevention , Tertiary prevention , Evaluation , Research , Communication
- Public Authorities , Prison and Probation , Police and LEAs
Comitato di Analisi Strategica Antiterrorismo (C.A.S.A.)
The Counterterrorism Committee for Strategic Analysis (C.A.S.A.) is a permanent round table composed by senior representatives of the security agencies of the Italian State. The centre has functions related to coordination, prevention, pursuit and response. The body applies a multi-agency comprehensive approach in relation to potential...
- Italia
- National
- Terorism
- Risk prevention , Early intervention , Participation and cooperation , Communication , Capacity Building
- Public Authorities , Police and LEAs
Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Bulgaria and Romania (CVM)
The Accession Treaty of Bulgaria and Romania provides for safeguard clauses for the first three years of the membership in three areas – general to the economy, the internal market and justice and home affairs. At the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union on 1 January 2007, certain weaknesses remained in both Member States...
- Bulgaria
- National
- Criminalitate organizată
- Surveillance , Risk prevention , Crime prevention , Risk analysis , Evaluation , Communication , Public Contact Point
- Public Authorities
The website, managed by the cybercrime division of the General Directorate for Combating Organised Crime (GDCOC) with the Ministry of Interior in Bulgaria is an information and reporting platform aimed to acquaint stakeholders and general public with the main online threats, ways to prevent them and give them the opportunity to...
- Bulgaria
- National
- Criminalitate cibernetică
- Risk prevention , Primary prevention , Crime prevention , Threat prevention , Knowledge Exchange , Awareness Raising
- Public Authorities , Police and LEAs
Czech Probation and Mediation Service (PMS)
The Probation and Mediation Service aims to offer effective and socially beneficial solution of crime-related conflicts and at the same time organises and provides for efficient and dignified execution of alternative sentences and measures with emphasis on victim interests, community protection and crime prevention. The Czech PMS is a new...
- Republica Cehă
- National
- Extremism violent , Terorism , Criminalitate organizată
- Risk prevention , Conflict transformation
- Prison and Probation
Czech Strategy to Combat Organised Crime for the Years 2015-2017
The present document was prepared on the basis of Government Resolution No. 598 of 10 August 2011, which approved the Strategy to Combat Organised Crime for the Years 2011 – 2014 and tasked the Minister of the Interior with presenting the Government of the Czech Republic with the Strategy to Combat Organised Crime for the following period,...
- Republica Cehă
- National
- Criminalitate organizată
- Evaluation , Research , Coordination , Knowledge Exchange
- Public Authorities , Police and LEAs
EXIT-Germany (EXIT-Deutschland)
EXIT-Deutschland was founded in 2000 by the criminologist and former police detective Bernd Wagner and the former neo-Nazi leader Ingo Hasselbach. It is an initiative of the ZDK Gesellschaft Demokratische Kultur gGmbH. Since the beginning the project EXIT-Deutschland has been offering help for self-help for victims of the right-wing scene who...
- Germania
- Local , Regional , National , International
- Radicalizare , Extremism violent
- Reintegration , Risk prevention , Crisis management and regulations
- Communication and Media , Education , Youth and Families , Health and Social Care , Local Communities
Extreme Dialogue
Extreme Dialogue is an Open Access Resource Centre which contains educational resources – including a ‘Teachers Handbook’, ‘Canadian Resources’, ‘UK Resources’, and summaries for educators – as well as videos and interviews. The project’s central aim is to ‘build young people’s resilience to violent extremism’ by...
- Canada
- National , International
- Radicalizare
- Risk prevention , Primary prevention , Secondary prevention , Tertiary prevention , Deradicalisation , Incident management , Education , Capacity Building , Knowledge Exchange , Awareness Raising
- Education , Youth and Families , Local Communities
Extremism Information Centre (Beratungsstelle Extremismus)
The Extremism Information Center (EIC) represents a countrywide point of contact in Austria offering information and advice concerning questions on extremism (politically or religiously motivated extremism such as right-wing extremism or jihadism). The EIC is located at bOJA (Bundesweites Netzwerk Offene Jugendarbeit, the...
- Austria
- National
- Radicalizare , Extremism violent
- Risk prevention , Primary prevention , Secondary prevention , Tertiary prevention , Deradicalisation , Education , Communication , Knowledge Exchange , Awareness Raising
- Youth and Families , Health and Social Care , Local Communities
Interinstitutional co-ordination centre for countering smuggling and controlling the movement of risk goods and cargos
The interinstitutional co-ordination centre for countering smuggling and controlling the movement of risk goods and cargos unites the efforts in the area of the General Directorate for Combating Organised Crime, where it is situated, the General Directorate National Police and the General Directorate Border Police with the Ministry of...
- Bulgaria
- National
- Criminalitate organizată
- Coordination
- Public Authorities , Police and LEAs
Investigation of Money Laundering Manual
The Money Laundering Investigation Manual is prepared under initiative of the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) and was intended for use by officials of the Ministry of Interior (MoI), State Agency of National Security (SANS), the National Investigation Service(NIS), the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria and Bulgarian...
- Bulgaria
- National
- Criminalitate organizată , Criminalitate cibernetică
- Crime prevention , Early intervention , Capacity Building
- Public Authorities , Police and LEAs
Lithuania's Anti-Trafficking Policy (Human Trafficking Prevention) as a Comprehensive Strategy to tackle specific TYPES of Organised Crime
Lithuania faces international and domestic trafficking in human beings’ cases for sexual and labour exploitation. It is much affected by social, economic and legal differences among countries, the demand of prostitution and cheap labour, migration and criminal contacts abroad. The state policy on the prevention of such a negative phenomenon...
- Lituania
- Local , Regional , National , International
- Criminalitate organizată
- Surveillance , Risk prevention , Conflict transformation , Primary prevention , Secondary prevention , Tertiary prevention , Early intervention , Capacity Building
- Public Authorities , Police and LEAs
Lowering the threshold for youth
In order to address the needs of the children and young people within the context of their home communities a program called “Lowering the threshold for youth” has been designed and it is now being implemented in a national level. The philosophy of the project was to involve youth organizations into resolution of problems of disadvantaged...
- Slovacia
- National
- Radicalizare
- Crime prevention , Early intervention
- Education , Youth and Families , Health and Social Care
Mitigating the Radicalization of Slovak Society
In 2014-2015, CENAA launched a pilot project focused on research of extremism and radicalism in security forces in the Slovak Republic as well as their potential interconnections to right-wing extremist groups. Due to the long-term failure to address burning issues in the society, including alarmingly increasing tendency of tensions between...
- Slovacia
- National
- Radicalizare
- Primary prevention , Secondary prevention , Research , Communication
- Police and LEAs , Local Communities
NAKA – National criminal agency Slovakia
The Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic is the main guarantor of the fight against terrorism and organized crime in Slovakia. The Slovak Police Corps President, who reports directly to the Interior Minister, leads state police. On 1 December 2012, important reorganization was performed within the structure of the Presidium of...
- Slovacia
- National
- Terorism , Criminalitate organizată
- Surveillance , Early intervention , Risk analysis
- Public Authorities , Police and LEAs
National Counter-Terrorism Centre Bulgaria - NCTC
The National Counter-Terrorism Centre (NCTC) is a joint unit of four government agencies: State Agency for National Security, Ministry of the Interior, National Intelligence Service, and Ministry of Defence (through its Military Information Service and Military Police Service). The centre is responsible for facilitating the coordination and...
- Bulgaria
- National
- Terorism
- Risk prevention , Threat prevention , Evaluation
- Public Authorities , Police and LEAs
National Cyber Security Strategy of the Czech Republic for the years 2015 - 2020
This National Cyber Security Strategy of the Czech Republic for the period from 2015 – 2020 (hereinafter “Strategy”) constitutes a fundamental conceptual document of the Czech Government for the given field, reflecting security interests and principles as defined in the Security Strategy of the Czech Republic. It shall serve as a base...
- Republica Cehă
- National
- Criminalitate cibernetică
- Surveillance , Risk prevention , Early intervention , Education
- Public Authorities , Police and LEAs