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Katiba of the Narvalos (Katiba des Narvalos)

The Narvalos Katiba is an apolitical collective made up of citizens of all origins who fight against jihadist activities on social networks and the Internet. Their actions include parodying jihadist propaganda, identifying and reporting the accounts that propagate it, and infiltrating cyber-jihadist networks to prevent attacks.

Center for Action and Prevention against the Radicalisation of Individuals (CAPRI)

The Center for Action and Prevention against the Radicalisation of Individuals is a secular and apolitical association governed by the 1901 law, financed by the State and the local authorities. Its mission is to inform and advise families and actors in the social field or youth, and to prevent radicalization by deconstruction of radical arguments and conspiracy theories, and by understanding the religious fact.

ARTEMIS Association

The Atelier de Recherche, Traitement et Médiation Interculturelle et Sociale is an association under the 1901 law which joined the SOS GROUP in May 2016, Europe's leading social enterprise, with 486 establishments and services in the social and medico-social field. Acting in the field of radicalization prevention, the ARTEMIS association promotes a multidisciplinary approach, including the entire universe of social sciences. It also recommends the use of mediation as a method of intervention.


The team dedicated to the prevention of radicalisation was set up in November 2016 to respond to the needs observed in the field by specialised prevention teams. Since March 2017, the team has raised awareness among a little over 120 field professionals from different sectors (child protection, animation, health, employment, etc.). These awareness sessions take place over half a day, integrated into a broader framework: the departmental plan. This is composed of two other training days (values of the Republic and secularism) for professionals.

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The Moroccan General Delegation of the Penitentiary Administration and Reintegration (DGAPR) launched a programme in 2017 for the benefit of persons convicted in terrorism cases. In collaboration with the Rabita Mohammadia of the Ulemas and the National Council for Human Rights (CNDH). This programme is based on three essential axes: "reconciliation with oneself, with the religious text and with society".

Foundation for Strategic Research (Fondation pour la recherche stratégique) (FRS)

FRS is a leading think tank in France, with a team specialised on PVE/CVE. This team works often with French authorities or first-line practitioners. FRS has conceived, applied, managed and evaluated a pilot program for the French ministry of justice on preventing jihadi recidivism in jail. It consisted of interacting face to face or in a group with inmates linked to Syria (returnees in particular) or involved in terrorist plots on the French soil. It occurred in two maximum security jails in the Paris suburb (AMAL Program).

Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS)

FRS is a think tank with a department on violent extremisms, PVE and CVE. It led recently a pilot program, for the French ministry of justice. This programme (AMAL) took place in two prisons in the Paris region and involved twelve jihad-related prisoners in Syria (ex-combatants, motivators, jihad candidates) or associated with terrorist attempts on national territory. This program is considered an operational success and has served as a basis for the preventive tools used in Penitentiary Wings with particularly radicalized individuals (DAECH, Nosra).

Cellule (PRE-RAD) (Prévention de la radicalisation violente)

The PRE-RAD Unit comes from the Bravvo non-profit organisation, the prevention service of the City of Brussels. It supports young people, their families and the Brussels community of associations. The unit proposes an approach of protection and support against the dangers of organisations that spread hate speech and legitimise the use of violence. Based on listening, dialogue and confidentiality, the Pre-Rad Cell allows affected people to get information, rebuild links with relatives and seek alternative answers to those offered by violent speech.

Extremism Advice Centre (Beratungsstelle Extremismus)

The Advice Center offers a free helpline, personal counselling sessions, education, and training. The multi-professional, multilingual team consists of psychologists, adult educators, and cultural and social scientists. The counselling centre is located at bOJA, the nationwide open youth work network and works in cooperation with numerous other counselling centres and initiatives.

Cultures Interactive

Among other things, the NGO "cultures interactive e.V.", as a specialist for youth cultures and prevention, is pursuing the goal of countering inhuman attitudes and promoting cosmopolitan youth cultures. Prevention work on right-wing extremism, religious fundamentalism and group-focused anti-people sentiment will be steadily developed through the exchange of experience at national and international level.

Action Courage (Aktion Courage e.V.)
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