Curricula - Knowledge - Navigation

The Changing Global Order

Termenul înscrierilor
30th June 2019
Data începerii
15th July 2019
Data încheierii
22nd July 2019
7 days
Nivel de calificare

How are international power relations changing and how can global peace and stability be maintained? This course familiarizes you with some main theories of international relations, shows how the global order is gradually changing and discusses how selected international and regional organizations contribute to the maintenance of global peace and security. You learn what research findings tell us in terms of the capacity of international organizations and actors to help prevent or stop violent conflict, what tools are used to negotiate agreements and how foundations for sustainable peace are best created. We will also focus on the role of the European Union in terms of diplomacy and efforts to prevent conflict, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the contribution of organizations such as the African Union to the prevention of conflict and war. We will study the United Nations Security Council and see in which ways its membership could be adapted to more accurately reflect the power relations of the current global order. Through quizzes and exercises testing your knowledge of these subjects, you will understand crucial concepts and get insights into how the academic study of international relations and international organization contributes to the search for global stability and peace in practice.


Learn about the following topics:
- Realism
- Constructivism
- Liberalism
- Power Politics
- The Role of Russia inn Politics
- Resolving Conflict Through Negotiation
- Resolving Conflict Through Mediation
- Peace Enforcement Mechanisms: UNSC Sanctions
- International Criminal Court

Condiții necesare

- Student has to be/have:
- registered at the Universiteit Leiden.
- access to internet.
- older than 18 years.

Rapenburg 70 2311 EZ Leiden Olanda

Pentru a vă înscrie la curs, apăsați acest buton   Înscrieți-vă acum

  • Anticorupție
  • Altele
  • Prevenirea criminalității organizate
  • Prevenirea radicalizării
Limbi English
Evaluare Quizzes and Practices
  • Factori de decizie politic
  • Tineret
  • Cadre didactice
  • Autorități publice
  • Jurnaliști
  • Prelegere
  • Metode de reflecție
  • Metode inspirate din artă
Număr de participanți 25
  • Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education
  • Universiteit Leiden Accreditation
  • Certificate of Completion

Dacă aveți întrebări despre acest curs, vă rugăm să ne contactați.

Pentru a trimite un mesaj, apăsați acest buton.   Contactați-ne

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TAKEDOWN și membrii consorțiului nu sunt răspunzători față de dumneavoastră sau orice alt utilizator pentru eventuale daune întâmplătoare, directe sau indirecte, derivate din utilizarea acestei platforme, ori pentru pierderi de date, oportunități, reputație sau profituri ca urmare a utilizării acestui serviciu. Organizațiile înregistrate sunt responsabile de validitatea informațiilor furnizate pe platformă.