Curricula - Knowledge - Navigation

Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory and Practice

Termenul înscrierilor
18th June 2019
Data începerii
20th June 2019
Data încheierii
4th July 2019
14 days
Nivel de calificare

Terrorism has arguably been one of the defining factors of our age. It frequently makes headlines, threatening or attacking governments, private business and ordinary citizens. And in many parts of the world, it has been one of the most important threats to peace, security and stability. But what does this exactly mean? What is the nature of this threat? Who or what is threatened, how, by whom and why? What can be done about it or how can we at least limit the impact of terrorism and make sure that terrorists do not make headlines and manage to scare us?

These are just a handful of questions that will be addressed in this course that consists of three parts. First it focuses on the essence of terrorism as an instrument to achieve certain goals, in addition to an exploration of this phenomenon and the difficulties in defining it.

The second part provides an overview of the state of the art in (counter) terrorism studies. Since ‘9/11’ terrorism studies have grown exponentially, reflecting the rise in perceived threats. But what has academia come up with? What theories, assumptions and conventional wisdom has it produced that could be of help in understanding terrorism and dealing with it? The most interesting results are examined and compared with empirical evidence with the aim to either stress their importance or to debunk them as myths.

The final part looks into the implications and possibilities for policy making. The course ends with a module specifically designed to address one of today's most topical issue: the foreign fighter phenomenon.


After completing this course the sutdent will be able to:
- Define Terrorism and Counterterrorism
- Discuss the five assumptions on terrorism & couterterrorism.

Condiții necesare

Student has to be registered at the Universiteit Leiden.

Rapenburg 70 2311 EZ Leiden Olanda

Pentru a vă înscrie la curs, apăsați acest buton   Înscrieți-vă acum

  • Combaterea terorismului
  • Combaterea discursului instigator la ură
  • Prevenirea radicalizării
  • Combaterea extremismului violent
Limbi English
Evaluare Multiple Choice Test
  • Agenții de aplicare a legii
  • Factori de decizie politic
  • Cadre didactice
  • Prelegere
Număr de participanți 20
  • Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education
  • Terrorism and Counterterrorism Certification

Dacă aveți întrebări despre acest curs, vă rugăm să ne contactați.

Pentru a trimite un mesaj, apăsați acest buton.   Contactați-ne

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