Faced with these threats, the EU-funded TAKEDOWN project is developing tools to understand why people turn to terrorism or organized crime, and what can be done to combat the problem. Due to the increasing relevance of the cyber-domain, the project also addressed the issues of (cyber)terrorism and organized (cyber)crime and put a particular focus on the nexus or the hybrids of organized crime and terrorism.
The webinar, presented by the coordinator of the H2020-project TAKEDOWN, will address:
– The outcomes of the research conducted in the project. Focusing on the main conclusions related to the nexus and the hybrids.
– The main practical outcomes of the project the two web platforms, www.firstlinepractitioners.com (for practitioners) and www.fightcrimeterrorism.com (law enforcement agencies and solution providers)
Live online Jun 26 at 2:00pm (CEST) or afterwards on demand
Presented by
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