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University of Groningen

  • Public
  • Non-profit
  • International

The University of Groningen has a rich academic tradition dating back to 1614. Geographically, the University is rooted in the Northern part of the Netherlands, a region very close to its heart.The University provides high quality education and research in a broad range of disciplines. We distinguish ourselves in the international market through a close link between education and research and by focusing on three key elements: Energy, Healthy Ageing and Sustainable Society.

STeP, 'Security, Technology and e-Privacy Research Group', is an interdisciplinary team of researchers - from early stage researchers to advanced researchers - organised within the Department of Transboundary Legal Studies (TLS). The team covers many areas of information policy & technology law including privacy, data protection, security sciences, surveillance, cybercrime, self-regulation and health informatics.

Datos de contacto
  • Intituto de investigación /académico
  • Otros
Público objetivo
  • Otros
Año de fundación 1614
Higher or Secondary Education Establishment  Yes
Idiomas principales de la formación
  • English
  • Dutch

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