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European expert network on terrorism issues (eenet)

  • Country: Germany
  • City: Wiesbaden
  • Type: Multilateral
  • Scale: European
  • Category: Knowledge and information exchange

"Created in 2007 the EENeT is an informal network of specialist departments and experts from law enforcement agencies and other authorities, and academic institutions dedicated to multidisciplinary and multi-agency analysis and research to share knowledge and experiences about the ""terrorism"" phenomenon. EENeT pursues the following objectives:
* holistic monitoring of terrorism phenomenon, mainly in Europe;
* facilitating the development of stable international forms of co-operation between experts in the sciences and law enforcement agencies and other authorities."

Coordination Patterns

EENeT has a Steering Committee that is composed of representatives from law enforcement agencies and universities from currently six EU member states, and an Administrative Office which is currently located at the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA). The Network counts 190 members from 24 EU member states plus several international organisations within Europe. It holds an annual conference as well as subgroup meetings in which members can share experiences and knowledge and push forward joint initiatives. Membership in the network is restricted: Applications are only accepted if the interested person is professionally working in this field of interest for a European authority or a public college, university or established research institute in Europe.

Role of the EU

EENeT is made up of representatives from public bodies in EU member states only and has been carrying out EU-funded projects such as PoMigra (funded by European Comission, DG Migration and Home Affairs' Internal Security Fund [ISF]).

Relevance for the EU

Platform for public institutions, particularly LEAs, to exchange information about research on CT, PVE and CVE with academic world, and share experiences about how to deal with cases of violent radicalisation / extremism.