Tato kapitola předkládá hodnocení postupů použitých v reakci na násilný extremismus, terorismus a organizovanou trestnou činnost partnery evropského projektu TAKEDOWN. Knihovna je zaměřena na činnosti, strategie a služby zaváděné orgány státní správy nebo nestátními subjekty. Jejím primárním cílem je informovat pracovníky v první linii a nabídnout přehled o širokém spektru postupů v Evropě. Součástí jednotlivých postupů jsou zásady, zdokonalení infrastruktury, preventivní strategie nebo sběr zpravodajských informací na místní, regionální, národní i celoevropské úrovni. Konečné posouzení určitého postupu je samozřejmě ponecháno na čtenářích a uživatelích knihovny. Nadále zůstáváme otevřeni příspěvkům a návrhům, jakož i dalšímu posouzení jednotlivých postupů, které lze zahrnout do naší databáze.
National Plan to Fight Violent Radicalisation (PEN-LCRV), 2015 (Plan estratégico nacional de lucha contra la radicalización violenta (PEN-LRCV) (2015)
The PEN-LCRV, assumes violent radicalization as one of the main risks to national security and articulates State policy in this area through an integral and national structure that allows the prevention of radicalization processes from culminating in violent extremism and/or terrorism. This Plan understands that through an integral and...
- Španělsko
- National
- Násilný extremismus
- Surveillance , Risk prevention , Primary prevention , Secondary prevention , Tertiary prevention , Deradicalisation , Threat prevention , Security Audit
- Communication and Media , Education , Youth and Families , Public Authorities , Prison and Probation , Police and LEAs , Health and Social Care , Local Communities
National strategy for the protection of Switzerland against cyber-risks (NCS)
The “National strategy for the protection of Switzerland against cyber risks” (NCS) was passed on June 27, 2012, and is in 2017 in its final year of implementation. The government defined the following three overriding goals for the NCS: 1) Cyber risks are to be recognized and evaluated at an early stage in order for risk reducing and...
- Švýcarsko
- National
- Počítačová kriminalita
- Crime prevention
- Public Authorities , Police and LEAs
NBAC (National security analytical centre)
The National Security and Analytical Centre (NBAC) was established on 1 January 2013 upon the project approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic in the Resolution 75 on 7 March 2012. The Slovak Information Service initiated and started to work on the project in the first half of 2011 and has been managing it since. NBAC as a part of the...
- Slovensko
- National
- Terorismus
- Surveillance , Risk analysis , Evaluation , Participation and cooperation , Communication
- Public Authorities , Police and LEAs
NBU-National Security Authority
The establishment of the National Security Authority has historical connections to the negotiations for Slovakia’s accession into the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), which required the creation of an independent institution responsible for protecting classified information and cryptographic protection...
- Slovensko
- International
- Počítačová kriminalita
- Surveillance , Risk prevention , Threat prevention , Incident management
- Public Authorities
PARTICIPATION PROJECT: France´s primary CVE intervention
Primary intervention focuses on early prevention of radicalisation, awareness-raising and resilience-building (RAN, 2018). With the introduction of the new PNPR, the French government 64 decided to strengthen primary mechanisms to raise awareness about and reinforce the knowledge of violent radicalisation. In order to reach this goal, a...
- Francie
- Local , Regional , National
- Radikalizace , Násilný extremismus
- Primary prevention
- Education , Youth and Families , Public Authorities , Prison and Probation , Police and LEAs , Health and Social Care , Local Communities
PARTICIPATION PROJECT: France´s secondary CVE intervention
Secondary prevention to violent radicalisation consists of interventions for people showing first signs of radicalisation. These vulnerable individuals are still in the pre-criminal space – namely, they did not engage in violence yet (RAN, 2018). Therefore, in CIPDR’s plan of action, tools and means of secondary intervention represent...
- Francie
- Local , Regional , National
- Radikalizace , Násilný extremismus
- Secondary prevention
- Education , Youth and Families , Public Authorities , Prison and Probation , Police and LEAs
PARTICIPATION PROJECT: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary prevention in Belgium
P/CVE policies in Belgium address all 3 kinds of prevention: primary, secondary and tertiary. The peculiar institutional architecture of Belgium and the division of competencies among the State, regions, communities and municipalities, do play a role also in shaping policies. National level prevention policies are mainly built around...
- Belgie
- Local , Regional , National
- Radikalizace , Násilný extremismus
- Primary prevention , Secondary prevention , Tertiary prevention
- Education , Youth and Families , Public Authorities , Prison and Probation , Police and LEAs , Local Communities
PARTICIPATION PROJECT: UK`s Primary CVE prevention strategy
Awareness-raising measures are implemented throughout the country, mostly in schools and other public institutions, to improve awareness of the Prevent policy and signs of extremism. WRAP, for example, is a free workshop that offers training on radicalisation, vulnerability, signs of extremism, and support mechanisms. Under the Prevent duty,...
- Spojené Království
- Local , Regional , National
- Radikalizace , Násilný extremismus
- Risk prevention , Primary prevention
- Education , Public Authorities , Prison and Probation , Police and LEAs , Health and Social Care
PARTICIPATION PROJECT: UK`s Secondary CVE prevention strategy
Channel also provides support to those showing signs of radicalisation, thus also acts as a secondary prevention approach. The scheme offers intervention-based support in terms of counselling and mentorship. Here, the Channel scheme benefits from its diverse panel, which includes religious actors, the police, schools and social support...
- Spojené Království
- Local , Regional , National
- Radikalizace , Násilný extremismus
- Secondary prevention
- Youth and Families , Public Authorities , Prison and Probation , Police and LEAs , Health and Social Care , Local Communities
Prevention and Cooperation Clearing Point
The Prevention and Cooperation Clearing Point (CLS) in Nürnberg (Germany) aims to provide an overview of all projects in Germany which involve security authorities and Muslim organizations/communities. Assisting the implementation of these projects CLS is creating the basis for effective teamwork between LEA at Federal and Land level and...
- Německo
- National
- Radikalizace , Násilný extremismus , Terorismus
- Risk prevention , Primary prevention , Public Contact Point , Training
- Police and LEAs , Local Communities
Prevention and Extended Harmonized Data Collection System of Trafficking in Human Beings Project
The Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, on the basis of the call for submitting the proposals for projects named “Action Grants” within the framework of the "Prevention and combating the crimes 2007 – 2013" program, submitted the Application for the Grant to the European Commission 2010 for the realization of the ...
- Slovensko
- National
- Organizovaný zločin
- Primary prevention , Education , Research , Capacity Building , Knowledge Exchange , Awareness Raising
- Public Authorities , Prison and Probation , Police and LEAs
Strabane’s Access Youth Engagement Programme
A Youth Engagement project providing crisis/critical intervention to young people at risk. Helping to identify and overcome barriers to inclusion and training & employment in order to affect positive change in the lives of young people and the community. Since 2013, the Strabane AYE (Access Youth Engagement) Project has provided training and...
- Irsko
- Local
- Radikalizace
- Risk prevention , Conflict transformation , Early intervention , Participation and cooperation , Capacity Building
- Youth and Families , Local Communities
Strategy of the Czech Republic for the Fight Against Terrorism
Measures to minimize risks and impacts of potential terrorist attacks carried out in the Czech Republic or against its interests abroad The present document is intended for a broad audience at home. At the same time, it is the Czech Republic´s stance on the issue of terrorism meant for our international partners not only in the European...
- Česká Republika
- National
- Terorismus
- Surveillance , Deradicalisation , Early intervention , Risk analysis , Threat prevention , Capacity Building , Security Audit
- Communication and Media , Education , Youth and Families , Public Authorities , Health and Social Care , Local Communities
Strong Cities Network
The Strong Cities Network is the first ever global network of mayors, policymakers and practitioners united in building social cohesion and resilience to counter violent extremism in all its forms. It was created in 2015 by the US Department of Justice and it is managed by the Institute of Strategic Dialogue of London, it was lunched in the...
- Spojené Státy
- International
- Násilný extremismus
- Risk prevention , Primary prevention , Secondary prevention , Crime prevention , Research , Capacity Building , Training
- Public Authorities , Local Communities
The Concept of soft target protection for the years 2017-2020
The goal of this concept is to create a functioning national system for the protection of soft targets, thanks which will be able to react flexibly, comprehensively and quickly to the threats of attacks on soft targets resulting from the situation both abroad and in the Czech Republic.
- Česká Republika
- National
- Počítačová kriminalita
- Surveillance , Risk prevention , Conflict transformation , Primary prevention
- Public Authorities , Police and LEAs
The Danish 'Preventing and Countering Extremism and Radicalisation' model - A practice of creating Comprehensive Strategies to Counter Extremism and Terrorism
The Danish government believes that a high level of preparedness against terrorism is necessary to maintain the security, stability and safety in Denmark and thus, the fight against extremism and the prevention of radicalisation are highly prioritised in the Danish effort against terrorism. But the aim of preventing extremism and...
- Dánsko
- Local , Regional , National , International
- Radikalizace , Násilný extremismus
- Reintegration , Risk prevention , Primary prevention , Secondary prevention , Tertiary prevention , Deradicalisation , Early intervention , Incident management , Participation and cooperation , Capacity Building , Knowledge Exchange , Training
- Youth and Families , Health and Social Care , Local Communities
The Dutch National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV)
The National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) joint-agency programme comprises measures that aim to prevent, protect, pursue and counter potential terrorist threats to national security on the Dutch soil. The presence of a unique organism with functions related to crisis management, counterterrorism, risk assessment and...
- Holandsko
- Local , Regional , National , International
- Terorismus
- Risk prevention , Secondary prevention , Early intervention , Crisis management and regulations , Capacity Building , Security Audit
- Public Authorities , Police and LEAs
The Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC)
The Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC) is an all-source intelligence organisation closely related to the United Kingdom Security Service which provides advice to the British government and firms within the Critical National Infrastructure on terrorist threats. Since its establishment, JTAC has become widely recognised as an authoritative...
- Spojené Království
- National , International
- Terorismus
- Risk prevention , Early intervention , Risk analysis , Security Audit , Knowledge Exchange
- Public Authorities , Police and LEAs
The Netherlands Comprehensive Action Programme to Combat Jihadism
The Action Programme is designed and implemented by the Ministry of Security and Justice, the National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism, and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment in the Netherlands. The overall aim is to prevent, tackle and reduce the threat of jihadist terrorism, especially the problem of foreign fighters...
- Holandsko
- National
- Terorismus
- Reintegration , Risk prevention , Primary prevention , Secondary prevention , Tertiary prevention , Deradicalisation , Risk analysis , Incident management , Participation and cooperation , Communication , Public Contact Point , Knowledge Exchange
- Communication and Media , Education , Youth and Families , Public Authorities , Prison and Probation , Police and LEAs , Health and Social Care , Local Communities
Treatment of Foreign Fighters - Intervention and Prosecution (of radicalised travellers)
With the establishment of the "Islamic State" (IS) in Syria and Iraq, in particular with its rapid expansion and the proclamation of the "Khalifat" in 2014 the IS became one of the most attractive targets of Austrian jihadists. Both people from the Caucasus emirates as well as teenagers and young adults who had radicalized and became jihadists...
- Rakousko
- National
- Terorismus
- Risk prevention , Tertiary prevention , Deradicalisation , Threat prevention
- Public Authorities , Prison and Probation , Police and LEAs