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Prevention Practices
White Book on Strategies for Countering Violent Extremism
The White Book on CVEs is a collection of policy papers that maps current European preventing and…
Nova Scotia Shooting Case
Author: Serena Bianchi, Agenfor International Between the 18th and 19th of April 2020, Gabriel…
Potential success with Anti and De-radicalization programs
Far from the conventional method of “fighting fire with fire”, the AARHUS Project presents an…
The Vienna Network for Democratic Culture and Prevention
A Network to face derogatory ideologies In September 2014, in view of the growing number of young…
Exploring the synergies of the AWID and the TD project
Using the current state of the art and the game changing insights of the current status of TAKEDOWN,…
Approaches to countering violent extremism and radicalization that lead to…
The following article presents the different approaches taken up by the European governments to…
When safety interventions backfire
The net impact of interventions that prevent or reduce the associated costs of risky behaviors are…
The current situation of the prisons as a space of radicalization
In February 2016, the magazine "Enfoque" in its first issue, published an article in which it raised…
Risk of Islamist radicalisation in Bulgaria: a case study in the Iztok…
This Center for the Study of Democracy Policy Brief presents the results from a qualitative case…