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IPS_Innovative Prison Systems

  • Private
  • Profit
  • International

IPS_Innovative Prison Systems is a boutique research and consulting firm specialised in the field of justice, correctional services, community sanctions and measures, juvenile justice and law enforcement. Our team has been growing its know-how and intervention since the early 2000’s. Company management team relies in more than one and a half decade of expertise in policy advisory, strategic consulting, training, e-learning consultancy and development of information technologies for probation and correctional systems. IPS has been working in different countries in Europe, North & Latin America, as well as the Caribbean; visited 42 prison systems in 39 countries worldwide, comprising more than 400 visits to prison and juvenile education and detention centres.
In partnership with prison systems, IPS is currently involved in various EU/EC-funded projects, some of them being in the field of radicalisation. In particular: R4JUST, exploring a multi-sectoral approach aimed at enhancing the competences of staff in prison, probation and judicial settings in order to prevent and reduce the risk of radicalisation and violent extremism in prison; FAIRNESS, focusing on implementing the Stockholm Roadmap to promote a balanced harmonisation of the legal practices involving radical or terrorist suspects/offenders across EUMSs; WayOut, aiming to improve and facilitate the implementation of exit programmes by building a common framework to evaluate them and creating an innovative and integrated one based on approaches with proven effectiveness; R2PRIS focusing on the prevention of radicalisation in prisons; PRACTICIES, with the goal of mobilising networks of European cities and experts to better understand the human roots of violent radicalisation and to build concrete tools and prevention practices; INTEGRA, striving to improve the transition process between prison, probation systems and the community for those at risk of radicalisation or who have been radicalised.

Данни за връзка
  • Сътрудничество/Частен сектор
  • Други
  • Борба с тероризма
  • Противодействие на езика на омразата
  • Превенция на радикализацията
  • Противодействие на насилствения екстремизъм
Целева аудитория
  • Правоприлагащи органи
  • Създателите на политики
  • Широката общественост
  • Други
  • Социални работници
  • Учители
  • (Психично-) здравен персонал
  • Публичните власти
Година на основаване 2002
Higher or Secondary Education Establishment No
Основни езици за обучение
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
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