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Global Diplomacy – Diplomacy in the Modern World

Срок за кандидатстване
18th June 2019
23rd June 2019
21st July 2019
28 days
Ниво на умение
Смесено обучение

The Global Diplomacy course is a unique offering to the MOOC environment. Bringing together cutting edge research in the broad fields of Diplomatic and International Studies, award winning distance learning delivery and the instructors previous experience of delivering a successful MOOC. Please see the volume Global Diplomacy: Theories, Types and Models authored with Dr Alison Holmes, (Westview, 2016), and the Understanding Research Methods MOOC from Coursera.

The Global Diplomacy MOOC has a direct heritage in the University of London International Academy/SOAS Global Diplomacy MA Programme launched in April 2013 which have attracted hundreds of students from around the world. The Global Diplomacy MA Programme is provided by the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy which has been teaching postgraduate courses in Diplomacy for over twenty five years.
After completing the 'Global Diplomacy' MOOC, learners will have:
1. The ability to demonstrate a critical understanding of the nature and development of global diplomacy, drawing on a variety of relevant contributing disciplines in the broad field of International Studies.
2. An understanding of changes in diplomatic practices and procedures and the relationship of those changes to contemporary politics.
3. A sound grounding in both theoretical and empirical approaches to debates in diplomacy so that students have been exposed to the and skills needed to analyse global diplomacy.
4. knowledge of issues in global diplomacy in historical and contemporary contexts.


After completing this course the sutdent will be able to:
- Define Terrorism and Counterterrorism
- Discuss the five assumptions on terrorism & couterterrorism.


Before applying for the course, please see the volume Global Diplomacy: Theories, Types and Models authored with Dr Alison Holmes, (Westview, 2016), and the Understanding Research Methods MOOC.

Rapenburg 70 2311 EZ Leiden Холандия

За да кандидатствате за курса, моля натиснете бутона.   Запишите се сега

  • Киберсигурност
  • Антикорупция
  • Превенция на организираната престъпност
  • Превенция на радикализацията
Езици English , Dutch , Chinese
Оценка Exam
Целева аудитория
  • Правоприлагащи органи
  • Създателите на политики
  • Учители
  • Журналисти
  • Лекция
  • Симулация
  • Методи за рефлексия
Брой участници 30
  • Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education
  • Universiteit Leiden Certificate
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TAKEDOWN и неговите членове на консорциума не носят отговорност пред вас или друг потребител за каквато и да е пряка, косвена или случайна вреда, получена от използването на тази платформа, или загуба на данни, възможности, репутация или печалби, произтичащи от използването на тази услуга. Регистрираните организации са отговорни за достоверността на информацията, предоставена в платформата.