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PARTICIPATION How to explain radicalization? A comparison of the driving factors of the far-right,…

Francesco Antonelli & Lorenzo Marinone published a book on radicalization and violent extremism in Europe. They compare the factors of different types of extremism (far-right, far-left, separatist and religious) using qualitative and quantitative methods. One of the core outcomes is to show how radicalization is influenced by personal and environmental factors, as well as extremist interactions and spaces.

PARTICIPATION Governance of Responsible AI: From Ethical Guidelines to Cooperative Policies

This research article explores how to develop and use AI ethically and democratically. The authors suggest a framework of democratic experimentation based on social inquiry. They claim that this framework can involve civil society in AI governance and protect democratic decision-making. As well, they criticize the current national strategies and ethics guidelines on AI, and show how their framework can improve them.

Sharing Insights from the H2020 PARTICIPATION Project (Part: 2)

Deliverable 4.4 of the PARTICIPATION project explores the role of the gender dimension in the communication and propaganda developed and spread by extremist and radical groups, also focusing on its relevance to the dynamics of radicalisation. The aim of this deliverable, therefore, is to develop an up-to-date understanding of communicative approaches to the prevention and

NOTIONES Interview Insights

The NOTIONES Interview Insights series provides a platform to share knowledge from leading experts across the international security intelligence landscape.

Sharing Insights from the H2020 PARTICIPATION Project (Part: 1)

Within the framework of the H2020 Project named PARTICIPATION, Task 3.4 was aimed at identifying the main challenges and contentious topics teachers may face in the classroom and school environment as part of their work with students in secondary schools, and the possible reactions and practices teachers may adopt to dealing with these challenges.

Introducing PROJECT BIGOSINT: Combatting Human-Trafficking through OSINT and Big Data Analysis

The migration of manifold components of the human trafficking chain to the internet has expanded the playing field of human traffickers. As emphasised in the UNODC 2020 GLOTIP Report, the web facilitates highly targeted victim recruitment, access to an infinite number of victims, anonymity for offenders and profiteers, covering the traces of financial transactions, and new, devastating forms of exploitation.


Together with popAI and ETAPAS projects, NOTIONES organizes a matchmaking virtual event to provide players in the security and intelligences fields from across Europe and beyond, with the excellent opportunity to exploit the potential for future collaboration with their counterparts, such as among others solution providers, law enforcement agencies (LEAs), policy makers and researchers, and benefit from the knowledge exchange.