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Dr Roberto Musotto

  •   Leeds, Spojene kralovstvo

I am a qualified lawyer (Avvocato) with expertise in Serious Crimes and their economic implications, focusing on commercial, corporate and cyber aspects. I use theory and methods from network science and law & economics in my research.


Called to the bar in Italy and based in the UK, I have been delivering top level services for a range of clients in and outside Europe, providing exceptional and effective results to the most adverse legal challenges inside and outside courts.

I conduct my research under the 3.5 million Euro Horizon 2020 TAKEDOWN project. More information about the project itself and results are on the website:

Akademický titul

PhD in Economics, Università degli Studi di Messina 2017

Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza, (LLM+LLB), Università degli Studi di Palermo, 2007-2012

BMus in Music Composition, Conservatorio Vincenzo Bellini, Palermo, 2002-2008

Other Qualifications:

Avvocato (Qualified Lawyer), call 2016, registered 2018
RYA Yachtmaster Offshore (Theory)
RYA VHF Marine Radio

Cieľové publikum
  • Orgány činné v trestnom konaní
  • Tvorcovia politiky
  • Všeobecná verejnosť
  • Ďalšie
  • Verejné orgány
  • Novinári
I published my works in acclaimed peer-reviewed academic journals, details of which can be found on my Google Scholar page:
Výskumná prax
Some areas of law & economics I investigate include:

- Contractual mechanisms and corporate structures exploited by criminal organisations in legal and illegal markets
- Transnational forms of organised crime and terrorist networks in a changing socio-legal context
- Social and spatial network analysis techniques applied on criminal groups
- Linking organised crime to cybercrime, specifically on Booter Services (Stressers), Ransomwares and Crypto-currencies
Odborná prax
Cybersecurity, Cybercrime, Organized Crime, Commercial Law, Contract Law, Spatial Networks, Social Network Analysis
Ponúkané odborné znalosti
Research and Advice
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Zrieknutie sa zodpovednosti
Projekt TAKEDOWN a členovia jeho konzorcia nezodpovedajú vám ani žiadnemu inému používateľovi za žiadne priame, nepriame alebo náhodné škody spôsobené použitím tejto platformy alebo za akékoľvek straty údajov, príležitostí, reputácie alebo ziskov vyplývajúcich z používania tejto služby. Registrované organizácie sú zodpovedné za pravdivosť informácií poskytnutých v rámci platformy.