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Unpacking Radicalization

950 CHF

Today, the proximity of discourses on radicalization to terrorism and security-related policies poses various challenges for peacebuilding practice. In practice, radicalization is often equated with Islamist violent extremism, and met with security-centered counter-terrorism approaches and measures such as Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) or Countering Violent Extremism (CVE). This limits our understanding of radicalization processes, which may also be a form of societal and political protest that remains within the boundaries of democratic negotiation. Along these lines of reasoning, economic deprivation and political marginalization lead to strong emotions of resentment and frustration that may lead to radicalization with or without violence. This course looks into the concept of radicalization as well as other notions such as de-radicalization, extremist violence, PVE and CVE in relation to peacebuilding practice and discusses them through different case studies from the Global North and South.


In this course, you will:

- Discuss the concept of radicalization and related terms such as de-radicalization and preventing or countering violent extremism.
- Gain a better understanding of what these concepts imply for peacebuilding practice.
- Learn about and share knowledge on different forms and processes of (de-)radicalization across different geographic contexts.
- Exchange experiences and become part of a community of practice.


Candidates must have:
- a university degree in a related discipline such as political science, law, economics or sociology.
- at least one year of professional experience.
- a good command of English.

Unfortunately, we cannot provide scholarships for this course. Participants (or their employer) must be able to cover the tuition fee.

University of Basel 4056 Basel Švajčiarsko

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  • Ďalšie
  • Predchádzanie radikalizácii
Jazyky English
Hodnotenie n/a
Cieľové publikum
  • Tvorcovia politiky
  • Ďalšie
  • Sociálni pracovníci
  • Prednáška
  • Skupinová práca a spoločné riešenie problémov
  • Prípadová štúdia
  • Metódy založené na umení
Počet účastníkov 275
  • Not available
  • Not available
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