Military planning and conduct capability (mpcc)
- Country: Belgium
- City: Brussels
- Type: Multilateral
- Scale: International
- Category: Training and Education
The Military Planning and Conduct Capability (MPCC) is responsible for the operational planning and conduct of the EU’s non-executive military missions. It now commands the EU Training Missions (EUTM) in Mali, Somali and the Central African Republic. The MPCC enhances the capacity of the EU to react faster and more efficiently to a conflict or crisis, where EU troops are deployed in close coordination with other Common Security and Defence Policy and EU actors in the respective country or region by: (1) Providing unified command and direction to the different missions in the field; (2) Enabling the mission staff in the field to concentrate on the specific activities of their mission, with higher level support provided from Brussels to their security; (3) Working closely and on a continuous basis with civilian counterparts, most notably the Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC) through the Joint Support Coordination Cell (JSCC). This ensures maximum coordination of civilian and military synergies and sharing of expertise; and (4) Contributing to an increased coherence of different EU actions on the ground in accordance with the EU integrated approach to external conflicts and crises. The MPCC was established on 8 June 2017 with the aim of enabling the EU to react in a faster, more efficient and effective manner as a security provider outside its borders. On 19 November 2018, the Council has agreed to give the MPCC the additional responsibility to be ready also to plan and conduct one executive military operation of the size of an EU Battlegroup.
Coordination Patterns
The MPCC is a permanent command and control structure at the military strategic level within the EU Military Staff (EUMS, a.k.a. Military Staff of the European Union), a directorate-general of the European External Action Service (EEAS).
Role of the EU
The MPCC is part of the European External Action Service (EEAS).
Relevance for the EU
Core instrument to train third-country security forces in combating violent extremist and terrorist groups.