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Mr. Rade Rajkovchevski

  •   Skopje, Πρώην γιουγκοσλαβική δημοκρατία της μακεδονίας

Associate Professor and Vice-Dean for International Cooperation in the Faculty of Security in Skopje, St. Kliment Ohridski University from Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.


Rade Rajkovchevski is Associate Professor and Vice-Dean for International Cooperation in the Faculty of Security in Skopje, St. Kliment Ohridski University from Bitola. Prior to his academic career which began in 2006, his work experience was associated to working in army, civil protection and security. He defended the Master’s thesis on national security policy and conflict prevention (2010) and his doctoral dissertation is related to the development and challenges of the European police cooperation (2013). He has references as Researcher in the project COMPOSITE-Comparative Police Studies in the EU (FP7 Security, 2010-2014); Researcher on identification of cases of Trafficking on human beings and gender based violence within mixed migrants flows within project SAFFER-Shelters and Access for Empowerment and Risk Reduction (MARRI Regional Center, 2017), National Short-Term Expert in GIZ’s project for illicit cash transfer (2018) and Consultant of UK’s Moonshoot CVE on governmental processes for countering violent extremism in Republic of Macedonia. In addition, he has references as technical expert of the City of Skopje in two European Commission DG ECHO’s projects dedicated to the civil protection and humanitarian assistance (ACHELOUS-Action of Contrast to Hydraulic Emergency in Local Urban Site [2014-2015] and EPICURO-European Partnership for Innovative Cities within an Urban Resilience Outlook [2017-2019]). He is author of two books, several book chapters and more than 30 articles dedicated to security issues. He is member of the Board of Trustee of “The Balkan Forum“ regional non-governmental initiative and reviewer of the Routledge: Taylor and Francis Group’s journal (Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy) and other journals in Croatia, Poland, Columbia and other countries, focused on policing, security and migrations.
Areas of expertise: crisis management, civil protection, migrations, policing, and security policy.


June 2011 – September 2013
PhD in security studies (Title of doctoral thesis “Development and Perspectives of International Police Cooperation in Europe”, Faculty of Security – Skopje, Macedonia).

February 2007 – May 2010
Master of Science of Criminology and Criminalistics after finished postgraduate studies (av. 9.13/10) at the Police Academy (lately Faculty of Security) in Skopje, Macedonia. MASTER thesis titled as “The Elements of Security Policy Aimed at Preventing Conflicts in the Republic of Macedonia”.

August 1998 – July 2002
Graduated Infantry Officer from the Military Academy “General Mihajlo Apostolski” Skopje, Macedonia.

Απευθύνεται σε
  • Διωκτικές αρχές
  • Φορείς χάραξης πολιτικής
  • Νεολαία
  • Δημόσιες αρχές
Handbooks, monographs and book chapters
1. Mirceva, S, and R Rajkovcevski 2013, “Policing in the Republic of Macedonia” in G.Meško, C.B. Fields, B. Lobnikar and A. Sotlar (Eds.), Handbook on Policing in Central and Eastern Europe, Springer Publishing, New York, USA, pp. 143-168. Available at:;
2. Rajkovcevski, R 2014, „Градење безбедносна политика: случајот на Република Македонија“[Security Policy Building: The Case of the Republic of Macedonia], Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - Macedonia Office & Faculty of Security-Skopje, 250 pages. Available at:
Rajkovçevski, R 2014, “Ndërtimi i politikës së sigurisë: rasti i Republikes së Maqedonisë” [Security Policy Building: The Case of the Republic of Macedonia], Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Macedonia Office) & Faculty of Security-Skopje, 236 pages. Available at:
3. Rajkovcevski, R and D Kirkovski 2015, “Macedonian Membership in NATO: From a Clear Perspective to an Uncertain Anticipation” in R. Czulda and M. Madej (Eds.), Newcomers No More? Contemporary NATO and the Future of the Enlargement from the Perspective of „Post-Cold War” Members, International Relations Research Institute, Warsaw – Brussels – Prague, pp.247-259. Available at:,
4. Smileski, R and R Rajkovchevski 2016, Вооружување и опрема [Arms and equipment], Faculty of Security-Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia, 259 pages.

The other are integrated in the detailed publication list in the CV.
Ερευνητική εμπειρία
1. Researcher on the EU funded FP7 Security Program project COMPOSITE [Comparative Police Studies in the EU], SEC-2009-6.2-01: Inventories of existing national resources, institutional mandates and practices across relevant sectors, FP7-SEC-2009-1, Grant agreement no.241918, 2010-2014.
2. Co-organizer of Regional Round Table “The Refugee Crisis: Security Challenges for Macedonia and the Western Balkan Region”, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Macedonia and the Faculty of Security – Skopje, Skopje, October 28, 2015. Transcript and analysis made by Rade Rajkovcevski available on:
3. Researcher engaged by the MARRI Regional Center within the activities (field observation, interviews, analysis of the content/transcript of the regional workshop and final report on the THB and GBV dedicated to the migrant crisis) of the SAFERR Project (Shelters and Access for Empowerment and Risk Reduction).
4. National Short-Term Expert (Leading expert) engaged for the “Action Day” (real-time scenario) of the project “Global Program Combating Illicit Financial Flows” (GP IFF - Western Balkans), PN: 12.6262.5 – 107, by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH’s Office in the Republic of Macedonia.
5. Consultant for Short Term Expert Consultancy for developing the “Report on Outlining Key Governmental Processes for Countering Violent Extremism in Macedonia”. The task considered: Conducting a desk-based review of official documents outlining CVE processes in Macedonia; Identifying key government actors (including national and local government, the police and any other actors with a statutory role in responding to violent extremism) and provide information on their roles and responsibilities with regard to CVE in Macedonia; Conducting interviews with key government actors working on CVE in Macedonia; and Producing organisational charts of key personnel involved in CVE in Macedonia.
Πρακτική εμπειρία
December 2018-Present
Associate Professor in the Police Sciences Department (Introduction in the Police Sciences; Arms and Equipment; and International Police Cooperation) and Department of Security Studies and Private Security (Crisis Management) at the Faculty of Security in Skopje, Macedonia. Beside aforementioned courses, gives lectures in the MASTER study programs, mostly referring to policing and crisis management.

June 2017-Present
Vice-Dean for International Cooperation of the Faculty of Security in Skopje, Macedonia. Working on establishing the new cooperation with foreign universities related to policing, criminal justice, security studies, criminology, criminalistics and developing common activities (joint project application, round tables, conferences etc.). Working on dissemination of results (conferences proceedings, reports etc.) raised from the surveys conducted by the faculties. Working as faculty’s E+ coordinator.

December 2013-December 2018
Assistant Professor in the Police Sciences Department (Introduction in the Police Sciences; Arms and Equipment; Conflict Management and International Police Cooperation) and Department of Security Studies and Private Security (Crisis Management) at the Faculty of Security in Skopje, Macedonia. Beside aforementioned courses, gives lectures in the MASTER study programs, mostly referring to policing and crisis management.

February 2006-December 2013
Teaching Assistant and Senior Teaching Assistant in the Police Sciences Department at the Faculty of Security in Skopje, Macedonia. Organizing and planning of the courses dedicated to policing, police ethics, police arms and weapons, topography and conflict management, as well as creating and developing the curriculum and scenarios for 10-14 days students’ police and military summer training.

August 2002-October 2003
Macedonian Army, First Professional Brigade-East. Commanded a platoon. Experience working with NATO.
Παρεχόμενη ειδικότητα
Areas of expertise: crisis management, civil protection, migrations, policing, and security policy.
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Η πλατφόρμα TAKEDOWN και τα μέλη της δεν καθίστανται υπεύθυνοι ως προς εσάς ή κανένα άλλο χρήστη για οποιαδήποτε άμεση, έμμεση ή συμπτωματική ζημιά που μπορεί προκληθεί από τη χρήση της παρούσας πλατφόρμας ή για την απώλεια δεδομένων, ευκαιριών, φήμης ή κέρδους ως συνέπεια της χρήσης αυτής της υπηρεσίας. Οι εγγεγραμμένες υπηρεσίες είναι υπεύθυνες για τη γνησιότητα των πληροφοριών που παρέχονται στην πλατφόρμα.