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Mr Salvador Berdun Carrion

  •   Granada, Ισπανία

Prison Officer and a Law Graduate of the University of Granada (1994). Academic Expert in Analysis of Violence and Jihadist Terrorism at the University of Granada (2009). Academic Expert in Penitentiary Security at the National University of Distance Education (2012) and Master in Management of Penitentiary Institutions (2014). Associate Researcher in the Department of studies of the Unión of Prison Officers (2008) and collaborator in the DERAD Project and the HELP Program of the Council of Europe


Prison Officer and a Law Graduate of the University of Granada (1994). Academic Expert in Analysis of Violence and Jihadist Terrorism at the University of Granada (2009). Academic Expert in Penitentiary Security at the National University of Distance Education (2012) and Master in Management of Penitentiary Institutions (2014). Associate Researcher in the Department of studies of the Unión of Prison Officers (2008) and collaborator in the DERAD Project and the HELP Program of the Council of Europe


Law Degree

Απευθύνεται σε
  • Διωκτικές αρχές
  • Ευρύ κοινό
From classic terrorism to jihadis terrorism. The evolution of the type of prisoners linked to jihadism in Spain. (JIhadism, Foreign Fighters and Radicalization in the EU Edited by Inmaculada Marrero and Humberto Trujillo, Routledge 2018)
The current situation of the prisons as a space of radicalization
Ερευνητική εμπειρία
10 years
Πρακτική εμπειρία
20 years as a prison officer in High Security Departments and experience in management of inmates linked to terrorism
Παρεχόμενη ειδικότητα
Knowledge about the behavior of inmates linked to terrorist activities. Knowlege about internal and external structures of inmate`s collectives linked to terrorist activities.
I am preparing my Thesis Project about terrorist structures inside prisons
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Αποποίηση ευθυνών
Η πλατφόρμα TAKEDOWN και τα μέλη της δεν καθίστανται υπεύθυνοι ως προς εσάς ή κανένα άλλο χρήστη για οποιαδήποτε άμεση, έμμεση ή συμπτωματική ζημιά που μπορεί προκληθεί από τη χρήση της παρούσας πλατφόρμας ή για την απώλεια δεδομένων, ευκαιριών, φήμης ή κέρδους ως συνέπεια της χρήσης αυτής της υπηρεσίας. Οι εγγεγραμμένες υπηρεσίες είναι υπεύθυνες για τη γνησιότητα των πληροφοριών που παρέχονται στην πλατφόρμα.