Global counterterrorism forum (gctf)
- Country: Switzerland
- City: Geneva
- Type: Multilateral
- Scale: International
- Category: Strategic-level policy formulation
The Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) is an informal, a-political, multilateral counterterrorism platform that seeks to strengthen the international architecture for addressing 21st century terrorism. Central to the Forum’s overarching mission is the promotion of a strategic, long-term approach to counter terrorism and the violent extremist ideologies that underpin it. The GCTF develops Good Practices and tools for policy-makers and practitioners to strengthen CT civilian capabilities, national strategies, action plans and training modules. It provides a forum for national CT officials and practitioners to meet with their counterparts from different regions to share experiences, expertise, strategies, tools, capacity needs, and capacity-building programs.
Coordination Patterns
Consists of 30 founding Members, including EU and several EU member states and several partners, and is lead by its Coordinating Committee which meets twice every year, oversees the mandates and activities of the Forum’s Working Groups, and provides strategic guidance on how best to prioritize GCTF Initiatives and projects. The platforms works through five Working Groups (3 thematic WGs [CVE; Foreign Terrorist Fighters; Criminal Justice and the Rule of Law] and 2 regional capacity-building WG [East and West Africa]) and is coordinated by two rotating Co-Chair's that define its strategic priorities through a strategic plan of action. The GCTF has also an Administrative Unit that provides the necessary analytical, administrative, and logistical support to the Coordinating Committee and its Working Groups and Initiatives.
Role of the EU
The EU is a founding member of GCTF and part of its Coordinating Committee. Moreover, the EU is a co-chair of the "Capacity-building in the East Africa Region" working group.
Relevance for the EU
The GCTF provides a global platform for policy coordination and harmonisation as well as for knowledge exchange on CT and CVE.