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Type of Crime

Art. 94 cpv. 1 and 3 CPM (Military Code), in correlation with art. 21 cpv. 1 CPM
- weakening of the defensive force of the country (CH)
- repeated foreign service and repeated attempts to serve in a foreign army without permissions
- provide foreign military service and recruit/encourage recruitment as well as attempt to recruit/encourage recruitment of a Swiss for foreign military service
Furthermore, Cosar was accused for self-recruitment, since he fought in a foreign military service (SMC – Syriac Military Council) without Swiss Federal permission.

Type of attack
The act was perpetrated in Syria while fighting for a foreign army

Modus Operandi

He first published videos and articles online for supporting the cause of Christians and minorities in the territories of the Islamic State. Based on these publications, he gave advices on the reasons of leaving Switzerland for supporting those people.
Furthermore, he left Switzerland for personally helping them fighting ISIS.

People involved

Hanna Johannes Cosar, from Bellinzona (Switzerland), Swiss document but originally from the Syriac community in Turkey
XX, from Locarno (Switzerland), Swiss document but originally from the Syriac community in Turkey
No further information provided

Criminal History

Cosar’s father was imprisoned and allegedly killed in Syria by the Al-Assad government in 2014.

Influential and/or vulnerable Groups

XX was pushed by a strong ideological and familiar situation. He was fighting for basic human rights of minorities in Syria and he strongly believes (still) in the cause. For this reason, we can consider him an influential from a social perspective, and as a perpetrator from a legal prospective (in fact, he was fighting for a foreign army, even if he was a Swiss sergeant without permission).