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Mr Matteo E. Bonfanti

  •   Zurich, Швейцария


Matteo E. Bonfanti is Senior Researcher at the Center for Security Studies. He holds a PhD from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa. Matteo’s research activities focus on the governance implications generated by targeted initiatives adopted by the EU and its Member States to foster their internal security. These include the development and adoption of new technical, technological and organisational solutions to enhance policing and intelligence cooperation, cyber-security, as well as crisis and emergency management. Before joining the CSS, Matteo was researcher at the Institute of Law, Politics and Sustainability of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, the Centre for Science, Society and Citizenship in Rome, and the Central European University in Budapest. In 2008 he served as research assistant at the office of the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) in Brussels. Matteo has been actively involved as researcher in several EC and EDA funded projects the field of security (counter-terrorism, crime prevention, border security, cyber-security) since 2010

Образователна степен

2006-2010 PhD in Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability

1997-2005 Degree in Political Science

Целева аудитория
  • Правоприлагащи органи
  • Създателите на политики
  • Широката общественост
  • Публичните власти
M.E. Bonfanti, P. Stefanucci, Exploring the New Frontiers of Security Privatisation: Web-Based Social Networking Services and Their Contribution to Foster Security and Public Safety, in O. Bures and H. Carrapico, Security Privatization How Non-security-related Private Businesses Shape Security Governance, (Cham: Springer) 2018, pp. 249-273.

M.E. Bonfanti, Collecting and Sharing Intelligence on Foreign Fighters in the EU and its Member States: Existing Tools, Limitations and Opportunities, in A. de Guttry, C. Paulussen, F. Capone, Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond, Springer, The Hague, 2016, pp. 333-353.

M.E. Bonfanti, Social media intelligence a salvaguardia dell’interesse nazionale. Limiti e opportunità di una pratica da sviluppare, in U. Gori, L Martino (Ed), Intelligence e Interesse Nazionale, Roma 2015, pp. 231-262.

M.E. Bonfanti, An Intelligence-Based Approach To Countering Social Media Influence Operations, in Romanian Intelligence Studies Review, No. 19/2018 (2019), forthcoming

M.E. Bonfanti, Another –Int On The Horizon? Cyber-Intelligence Is The New Black, in Romanian Intelligence Studies Review, No. 17-18/2017 (2018), p. 127-156.

M.E. Bonfanti, Cyber Intelligence: In Pursuit of a Better Understanding for an Emerging Practice, in INSS Cyber, Intelligence, and Security, Volume 2, No. 1, 2018, pp. 105-121.

M.E. Bonfanti, Enhancing Cybersecurity by Safeguarding Information Privacy: The European Union and the Implementation of the "Data Protection by Design" Approach, in ARES 2018 Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, 2018, at
Изследователски опит
H2020 TAKEDOWN Project (GA No. 700688)

H2020 ALFA Project (GA No. 700002)

H2020 ANYWHERE Project (GA No. 700099)

FP7 ECOSSIAN Project (GA No. 607577)

FP7 NEXES Project (GA No. 653337)

H2020 NOSY Project (GA No. 653839)

FP7 EvoCS Project (GA No. 605142)

FP7 MARSOL Project (GA No. 619120)

DG HOME CBRN Integrated Response Italy Project (DG Home Grant).

FP7 SNIFFER Project (GA No. 285203)

FP7 ETCETERA Project: (GA No. 261512)

EDA HuPE Project
Практически опит
Cybersecurity, Personal Data Protection;
Предалагани умения
Research and Advice
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TAKEDOWN и неговите членове на консорциума не носят отговорност пред вас или друг потребител за каквато и да е пряка, косвена или случайна вреда, получена от използването на тази платформа, или загуба на данни, възможности, репутация или печалби, произтичащи от използването на тази услуга. Регистрираните организации са отговорни за достоверността на информацията, предоставена в платформата.